AA Fleet Finder
Fleet finder plugin for Alliance Auth
AA Fleet Finder
Control access to your fleets through Alliance Auth.
<hr /> <hr />Installation
AA Fleet Finder >= 2.0.0 needs at least Alliance Auth v4.0.0!
Please make sure to update your Alliance Auth instance before you install this module or update to the latest version, otherwise an update to Alliance Auth will be pulled in unsupervised.
The last version compatible with Alliance Auth v3 is
Step 1: Install the Package
Make sure you're in the virtual environment (venv) of your Alliance Auth installation Then install the latest release directly from PyPi.
pip install aa-fleetfinder
Step 2: Configure Alliance Auth
This is fairly simple, just add the following to the INSTALLED_APPS
of your local.py
Configure your AA settings (local.py
) as follows:
- Add
Step 3: Add the Scheduled Task
To set up the scheduled task, add the following code to your local.py
# AA Fleetfinder - https://github.com/ppfeufer/aa-fleetfinder
if "fleetfinder" in INSTALLED_APPS:
CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE["fleetfinder_check_fleet_adverts"] = {
"task": "fleetfinder.tasks.check_fleet_adverts",
"schedule": crontab(minute="*/1"),
Step 4: Finalizing the Installation
Run static files collection and migrations
python manage.py collectstatic
python manage.py migrate
Step 4: Setup Permissions
Now it's time to set up access permissions for your new Fleetfinder module.
ID | Description | Notes |
access_fleetfinder |
Can access the Fleetfinder module | Your line members should have this permission, together with everyone you want to have access to he module. |
manage_fleets |
Can manage fleets | Everyone with this permission can open and edit fleets |
Translation Status
Do you want to help translate this app into your language or improve the existing translation? - Join our team of translators!
You want to contribute to this project? That's cool!
Please make sure to read the Contribution Guidelines.\ (I promise, it's not much, just some basics)
No reviews yet...
Python Requirements
- allianceauth-app-utils>=1.14.2
- allianceauth<5,>=4.6
- coverage; extra == "tests-allianceauth-latest"
- django-webtest; extra == "tests-allianceauth-latest"
Required Python packages to be installed and other Python requirement.
App Dependencies
Required apps:
Used by apps:
Dependencies to other apps registered in this app directory.
- Environment :: Web Environment
- Framework :: Django
- Framework :: Django :: 4.2
- Intended Audience :: Developers
- License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)
- Operating System :: OS Independent
- Programming Language :: Python
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.13
- Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP
- Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content
Last updated
3 weeks, 2 days ago
First published
4 years, 3 months ago
Plugin Apps
Rounon Dax
Rounon Dax
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