AA Inactivity
"Activity monitoring app for Alliance Auth.
AA Inactivity
This is a player activity monitoring plugin app for Alliance Auth (AA).
- Automatically notify users who become inactive.
- Automatically notify managers when users become inactive.
- Approval process for leave of absence requests
- Can inform managers about various events via Discord webhook
- List of inactive users
- Define through policies after how many days a user of absence a user is considered inactive
- Fetching the last login dates from Member Audit to determine how long a user has been inactive
Users are notified on Alliance Auth. If you want those notifications to be forwarded as DM on Discord, please check out this app: Discord Notify.
A user creating a new leave of absence request:
A manager reviewing a leave of absence request:
A manager looking through the list of currently inactive and notified users:
Step 0 - Requirements
This app needs Member Audit to function. Please make sure it is installed before continuing.
Step 1 - Install the Package
Make sure you are in the virtual environment (venv) of your Alliance Auth installation. Then install the newest release from PyPI:
pip install aa-inactivity`
Step 2 - Config
Add inactivity
, and add the following task definition:
CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['inactivity_check_inactivity'] = {
'task': 'inactivity.tasks.check_inactivity',
'schedule': crontab(minute=0, hour=0),
Step 3 - Finalize App Installation
Run migrations:
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py collectstatic
Restart your supervisor services for Auth
This app uses permissions to control access to features.
Name | Purpose | Code |
general - Can access this app | Enabling the app for a user. This permission should be enabled for everyone who is allowed to use the app | basic_access |
general - Can manage leave of absence requests | Allows a user to approve/deny loa requests. | manage_leave |
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Python Requirements
- aa-memberaudit>=3.7.0
- allianceauth-app-utils>=1.18
- allianceauth>=3
- django-multiselectfield
- py-cord>=2.4.1
- pytz>=2023.3
- humanize>=4.7
Required Python packages to be installed and other Python requirement.
App Dependencies
Required apps:
Used by apps:
Dependencies to other apps registered in this app directory.
- Environment :: Web Environment
- Framework :: Django
- Framework :: Django :: 4.0
- Framework :: Django :: 4.2
- Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop
- License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)
- Operating System :: OS Independent
- Programming Language :: Python
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
- Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP
- Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content
Last updated
1 year, 1 month ago
First published
4 years, 1 month ago
Plugin Apps
Erik Kalkoken
Rebecca Murphy
Erik Kalkoken
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