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Event calendar plugin app for Alliance Auth

Operation Calendar

An operation calendar app for Alliance Auth to display fleet operations and other events.

release python license


  • Calendar type view of different events
  • Manual events
    • User created
    • Defailed view
    • Ical feed for exporting events
  • Public NPSI events
    • Automatic syncing with supported NPSI community events over APIs
  • Ingame events
    • Automatic syncing with ingame events
    • Personal, Corporation and Alliance calendars
  • Supports structure timers
  • Supports aa-moonmining
  • Supports aa-discordbot
  • Event visibility options
    • Custom names and colors
    • Restrict to groups
    • Restrict to states
    • Webhook for sending event notifications
    • Filter to include in ical feed
  • Event categories
    • Custom names
    • Custom tickers
    • Custom colors
    • Pre-fill text to add on events with the category
  • Multihost support
  • Discord notifications
    • Webhook
    • For: new, edited and deleted events
  • Counter on menu for events that the user has not signed or rejected from

screenshot screenshot Dark and white themes

screenshot aa-moonmining support

screenshot aa-structuretimers support

screenshot Custom event visibility filters and categories

screenshot details for manual events

screenshot Supports importing public NPSI events right into opcalendar

screenshot Pull ingame events from personal, corporation and alliance

screenshot Discord feed based on visibility filter

screenshot Supports aa-discordbot to fetch events over discord


  1. Install the Repo pip install aa-opcalendar
  2. Add 'opcalendar', to your INSTALLED_APPS in your projects
  3. Run migrations python migrate
  4. Collect static files python collectstatic
  5. Restart supervisor supervisorctl reload myauth:
  6. Setup permissions


Perm Auth Site Example Target Group
opcalendar basic_access Can access this app and see operations based on visibility rules Everyone
opcalendar create_event Can create and edit events Leadership, FCs
opcalendar manage_event Can delete and manage signups Leadership, FCs
opcalendar see_signups Can see all signups for event Leadership, FCs, Members


Name Description Default
OPCALENDAR_NOTIFY_IMPORTS Wheter to send out discord notifications for ingame and public NPSI events  True
OPCALENDAR_DISPLAY_STRUCTURETIMERS whether we should inculde timers from the structuretimers plugin in the calendar. Inherits view permissions from aa-structuretimers True
OPCALENDAR_DISPLAY_MOONMINING whether we should inculde extractions from the aa-moonmining plugin in the calendar. Inherits view permissions from aa-moonmining True
OPCALENDAR_DISCORD_OPS_DISPLAY_EXTERNAL whether we display external hosts such as ingame hosts in the discord ops command filters False
OPCALENDAR_DISPLAY_MOONMINING_TAGS Display the rarity tag of aa-moonmining moons if the moonmining plugin is installed True
OPCALENDAR_DISPLAY_MOONMINING_ARRIVAL_TIME Displays aa-moonmining extraction time based on arrival time. Set to False to display as auto fracture time True
OPCALENDAR_NOTIFY_REPEAT_EVENTS If repeated events should also be created as webhook pings on discord. Can create spam if the event repeat is set to high True
OPCALENDAR_SHOW_EVENT_COUNTER Shows a counter next to the opcalendar menu for events that the user has not responded to True


Before you are able to create new events on the front end you will need to setup the needed categories and visibility filters for your events.

1. Host

Hosts are for identifying reasons. If you run a single corporation or alliance entity you most likely only want one host. If you want to extend the calendar with other hosts such as NPSI communities you can create a host for each different entity. - Host name is shown on the event and on discord notifications - You can customize host logos - Go to the admin site

2. Visibility filter

These filters will determine who is able to see the events that are labeled with each different visibility filter. - Can be restricted to groups and states - If no groups or states are selected the events will be visible for everyone - You can determine a custom color tag that will be shown on the top right corner of the event - Each visibility filter will be displayed on the calendar and can be used for filtering events on the calendar - Discord notification webhooks can be assigned for each visibility filter. Events created, deleted or edited under this filter will then be sent over to discord.

3. Categories

Categories are displayed as a ticker infront of manually created events. Most common categories are: PvP, Stratop, Mining, CTA etc... - Ticker displayed on event - Custom colors

4. Discord webhook

If you want to receive notifications about your events (created/modified/deleted) on your discord you can add a webhook for the channel in discord you want to receive the notifications to. The webhooks you create will be used in the visibility filters.

Adding manual events

To add a manual event simply go to the calendar page and press on the new event button. Fill in and select the needed information.

Importing NPSI fleets

Opcalendar has the ability to import predetermined NPSI fleets directly into your calendar from public NPSI community APIs.

Supported NPSI communities

Opcalendar is currently supporting imports for the following NPSI fleets:

  • EVE LinkNet
  • Spectre Fleet
  • EVE University (classes)
  • Fun Inc.
  • Redemption Road
  • CAS
  • Fwaming Dwagons


  • Go to admin panel and select NPSI Event Imports
  • Create a host for each import and fill in the needed details for them.
  • Add a new import by pressing on the add event import button
  • Select the source where you want to fetch the fleets.
  • Determine operation type for each fetched fleet.
  • Determine operation visibility for each fetched fleet.

To schedule the import runs either add the following line in your file or set up a perioduc task for the opcalendar.tasks.import_all_npsi_fleets task on your admin menu to fetch fleets every hour.

CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['import_all_npsi_fleets'] = {
    'task': 'opcalendar.tasks.import_all_npsi_fleets',
    'schedule': crontab(minute=0, hour='*'),

Importing fleets from ingame calendar

You can import events that have been created in the ingame calendar. As the fields on the ingame calendar are limited the events will not be as detailed as when created directly from the calendar.

  1. Give the add_ingame_calendar_owner role for the wanter groups
  2. Navigate to the opcalendar page and press the Add Ingame Calendar Feed button
  3. Log in with the character that holds the calendar
  4. Add the following line into your setting file or set up a periodic task for the opcalendar.tasks.update_all_ingame_events to pull fleets from ingame every 5 minutes.
CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['update_all_ingame_events'] = {
    'task': 'opcalendar.tasks.update_all_ingame_events',
    'schedule': crontab(minute='*/5'),

Ingame event visibility and categories

On default the ingame events you import have no visibility filter and no category. This means they will be visible for everyone.

If you wish to add a visibility filter or a category similar to the manual events simply go to the admin panel -> Ingame event owners and select a filter and a category for the owner.

After selecing a visibility filter and a category the ingame events will behave similar to the manual events and respect the group and state restrictions set for the visibility filters.

Ical feed setup (optional)

Opcalendar has the ability to generate a standard ical formated feed for pushing out events. To push out evets to the feed without login requirement requires editing auth settings file.

Feed setup

  1. Open up the event visibility category and check the box to include it in the ical feed. Only categories tagged with this box will show up on the feed.

  2. Add 'opcalendar' to the local settings file in the APPS_WITH_PUBLIC_VIEWS or create the section if you do not have it:

  1. You can now access the ical feed at


Make sure you have signed the License Agreement by logging in at before submitting any pull requests. All bug fixes or features must not include extra superfluous formatting changes.

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Python Requirements

  • allianceauth<5.0.0,>=4
  • feedparser
  • ics>=0.7.2
  • pytz
  • django-ical
  • requests-mock

Required Python packages to be installed and other Python requirement.

App Dependencies

Required apps:


Used by apps:


Dependencies to other apps registered in this app directory.


  • Environment :: Web Environment
  • Framework :: Django
  • Framework :: Django :: 2.2
  • Intended Audience :: Developers
  • License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
  • Operating System :: OS Independent
  • Programming Language :: Python
  • Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
  • Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP
  • Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content




MIT License



Last updated

9 months, 2 weeks ago

First published

4 years, 2 months ago


Plugin Apps




Ikarus Cesaille



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