Browse Apps

Standings Requests

App for managing character standing requests, made for Alliance Auth.

Standings Requests

App for managing character standing requests, made for Alliance Auth.

release python django pipeline codecov license pre-commit Code style: black chat



  • User can requests standings for their characters and corporations
  • Standing managers can approve / deny standings requests from users
  • Automatic verification that approved / revoked standings are added / removed in-game
  • When user leaves the corporation or alliance, the app will automatically suggest to revoke the standing in-game
  • Either an alliance or a corporation can be defined as master for in-game standings
  • Review current standings of your alliance or corporation and see which auth user requested it (if any)
  • Approvals/revocations are automatically logged for later review


Here are some example screenshots:

Requesting standings for a character


Reviewing standings requests



Step 1 - Check prerequisites

  1. Standings Requests is a plugin for Alliance Auth. If you don't have Alliance Auth running already, please install it first before proceeding. (see the official AA installation guide for details)

  2. Standings Requests needs the app django-eveuniverse to function. Please make sure it is installed, before before continuing.

Step 2 - Update Eve Online scopes

Add the following scopes to the Eve Online app used by Auth on


Step 3 - Python installation

Activate your virtual environment and install this app with:

pip install aa-standingsrequests

Step 4 - Django Installation

Add 'standingsrequests' to INSTALLED_APPS in your Alliance Auth local settings file. Also add the other settings from the Settings Example and update the example config for your alliance.

The most important part of the settings is STANDINGS_API_CHARID, which need to be the Eve Online ID of the character that will be used to sync standings with your alliance or corporation.

Run database migrations:

python migrate standingsrequests

Copy static files to your webserver:

python collectstatic

Finally restart Django and Celery.

Step 5 - Setup app within Auth

Open the standingsrequests app in Alliance Auth and add the token for the configured standings character. This will initiate the first pull of standings. You will get a notification once the standings pull is completed (Usually within a few minutes).

Last, but not least make sure to add permissions to groups / states as required to make the new app available to users.

That's it, you should be ready to roll.

Settings Example

Here is a complete example of all settings that goes into your local settings file.

# id of character to use for updating alliance contacts

# This is a map, where the key is the State the user is in
# and the value is a list of required scopes to check
    'Member': ['publicData'],
    'Blue': [],
    '': []  # no state

# CELERY tasks
CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['standings_requests_standings_update'] = {
    'task': 'standings_requests.standings_update',
    'schedule': crontab(minute='*/30'),
CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['standings_requests_update_associations_api'] = {
    'task': 'standings_requests.update_associations_api',
    'schedule': crontab(minute='30', hour='*/3'),
CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['standings_requests_validate_requests'] = {
    'task': 'standings_requests.validate_requests',
    'schedule': crontab(minute='0', hour='*/6'),
CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['standings_requests_purge_stale_data'] = {
    'task': 'standings_requests.purge_stale_data',
    'schedule': crontab(minute='0', hour='*/24'),


Here is a brief explanation of all available settings:

Name Description Default
SR_CORPORATIONS_ENABLED switch to enable/disable ability to request standings for corporations True
SR_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED Send notifications to users about the results of standings requests and standing changes of their characters True
SR_OPERATION_MODE Select the entity type of your standings master. Can be: "alliance" or "corporation" "alliance"
SR_REQUIRED_SCOPES map of required scopes per state (Mandatory, can be [] per state) -
SR_PAGE_CACHE_SECONDS Number of seconds to cache heavy pages like character and groups standing. Set to 0 to disable. 600
SR_STANDINGS_STALE_HOURS Standing data will be considered stale and removed from the local database after the configured hours. The latest standings data will never be purged, no matter how old it is 48
SR_STANDING_TIMEOUT_HOURS Max hours to wait for a standing to be effective after being marked actioned. Non effective standing requests will be reset when this timeout expires. 24
SR_SYNC_BLUE_ALTS_ENABLED Automatically sync standing of alts known to Auth that have standing in game True
STANDINGS_API_CHARID Eve Online ID of character to use for fetching alliance contacts from ESI (Mandatory) -
STR_ALLIANCE_IDS Eve Online ID of alliances. Characters belonging to one of those alliances are considered "in organization". Your main alliance goes here when in alliance mode. (Mandatory, can be []) -
STR_CORP_IDS Eve Online ID of corporations. Characters belonging to one of those corporations are considered "in organization". Your main corporation goes here when in corporation mode. (Mandatory, can be []) -


These are all relevant permissions:

Name Description
abstract standings request - User can request standings This is the permission required to have basic access to this app and be able to request and maintain blue standings without them being revoked. IMPORTANT: When a user no longer has this permission all of their standings will be revoked.
contact set - User can view standings See which mains the character and corporation standing have been requested by. Typically you'll probably only want standings managers to have this.
abstract standings request - User can process standings requests User can see standings requests and process/approve/reject them.
contact set - User can export standing requests User can download all of the standings data, including main character associations, as a CSV file. Useful if you want to do some extra fancy processing in a spreadsheet or something.

Standings Requirements

These are the requirements to be able to request and maintain blue standings. If a character or account falls out of these requirement scopes then their standing(s) will be revoked.

Request Type Requirements
Character • Character has been added to Auth and is owned by the requesting user.<br> • User has the request_standings permissions.
Corporation • All member characters of the corporation have been added to Auth and are owned by the requesting user<br>• User has the request_standings permission.

Note that all characters need to maintain valid tokens in Auth or there standing will automatically be revoked.

Manual for Standing Managers

Standing managers have the ability to review standings requests on the "Manage Requests" page.

Standings Requests

Standings Requests are fairly straightforward, there are two options:


Reject the standings request, effectively deleting it. The user will be able to request it again however.


The requested standing has been actioned/changed in game. The system then expects to see this request become effective within 24 hours. If it does not show up in a standings API pull within 24 hours the actioned flag is removed and it will show up as a standings request again.

Once a standing is actioned it will be maintained as an "effective" standings request. If the standing is removed in game while it is still valid in the system then it will become an active request again.

Standings Revocations

Standings will show up here in one of two situations:

  1. The user has deleted the standings request for that contact, indicating they no longer require the standing.
  2. The user is no longer eligible to hold active standings.

Currently it is not indicated which of these two cases (or which automatic revocation case) triggered the standing revocation.


Make sure you fully understand delete before using it, you will usually use one of the other two options instead of delete. When you delete a standings request it is literally deleted. The system will no longer attempt to manage this request or verify that it has been revoked etc. The standing becomes "unmanaged".


Turns the standing revocation into a standings request again. Useful if someone got booted from corp or auth temporarily. If they still don't have the requirements met the next time a validation pass happens then it will be turned into a revocation again.


Same as for Standings Requests. The system will hold the revocation in the background until it sees it removed in game. If the standing has still not been unset (or set to neutral or below) in 24 hours then it will appear as a standings revocation again.

Management Commands

This app comes with management commands that provide special features for admins.

You can run any management command from the command. Make sure you are in the folder that also contains and that you have activate your venv:



This command automatically creates accepted standing requests for alt characters on Auth that already have blue standing in game. This can be useful when this app is first installed to avoid having all users manually request standing for alts that are already blue.

Standings created by this command will not have an actioner name set.


This is a fork of Basraah's standingrequests. Big thanks to Basraah for all his effort in developing the initial version.

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Python Requirements

Required Python packages to be installed and other Python requirement.

App Dependencies

Required apps:

Used by apps:


Dependencies to other apps registered in this app directory.


  • Environment :: Web Environment
  • Framework :: Django
  • Framework :: Django :: 4.0
  • Framework :: Django :: 4.2
  • Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop
  • License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)
  • Operating System :: OS Independent
  • Programming Language :: Python
  • Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
  • Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11
  • Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
  • Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
  • Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP
  • Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content







Last updated

1 year, 2 months ago

First published

4 years, 9 months ago


Plugin Apps






Erik Kalkoken Erik Kalkoken

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